
Open Up Resources aims to improve equity in education by providing the highest quality, standards-aligned curricula that are accessible and freely available to all. Their focus is on empowering educators with top-tier materials to support student learning and achievement, especially in underserved communities. The vision of Open Up Resources is to transform learning by making excellent educational resources widely accessible, driving meaningful change in classrooms, and closing the achievement gap. They envision a world where all students have access to engaging, high-quality educational experiences that prepare them for success.



High School

Why Problem Based Learning?

Students learn best and retain what they learn better by solving problems. Often, mathematics instruction is shaped by the belief that if teachers tell students how to solve problems and then students practice, students will learn how to do mathematics.

Decades of research tells us that the traditional model of instruction is flawed. Traditional instructional methods may get short-term results with procedural skills, but students tend to forget the procedural skills and do not develop problem solving skills, deep conceptual understanding, or a mental framework for how ideas fit together. They also don’t develop strategies for tackling non-routine problems, including a propensity for engaging in productive struggle to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

In order to learn mathematics, students should spend time in math class doing mathematics.

“Students learn mathematics as a result of solving problems. Mathematical ideas are the outcomes of the problem-solving experience rather than the elements that must be taught before problem solving.”³

Students should take an active role, both individually and in groups, to see what they can figure out before having things explained to them or being told what to do. Teachers play a critical role in mediating student learning, but that role looks different than simply showing, telling, and correcting. The teacher’s role is

Design Principles

Mathematical Practices

MP1: I Can Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them

MP2: I Can Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively

MP3: I Can Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others

MP4: I Can Model with Mathematics

MP5: I Can Use Appropriate Tools Strategically

MP6: I Can Attend to Precision

MP7: I Can Look for and Make Use of Structure

MP8: I Can Look for and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning

Instructional Routines

Language Routines

The mathematical language routines were selected because they are effective and practical for simultaneously learning mathematical practices, content, and language. A mathematical language routine is a structured but adaptable format for amplifying, assessing, and developing students’ language. The routines emphasize uses of language that is meaningful and purposeful, rather than about just getting answers. These routines can be adapted and incorporated across lessons in each unit to fit the mathematical work wherever there are productive opportunities to support students in using and improving their English and disciplinary language use.

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